During the “C Space Storyteller: Rocket Fuel and Glenfiddich,” Rocket Fuel CEO Randy Woottenshowed a chart projecting that programmatic TV spending will grow from $1 billion today to $12 billion by 2020. Programmatic TV is similar to programmatic buying online: It uses the same principles, leveraging data to serve targeted ads to individual consumers. “All four of us could live next door to each other, and we could all see different ads while watching the same program,” said Adam Gaynor of Dish Network, who was on the Rocket Fuel panel and aided in Glenfiddich, a distiller of single malt scotch whisky, in its foray into programmatic TV advertising.Michael Giardina, Glenfiddich’s senior brand manager, said programmatic TV was efficient and eliminated a recurring problem with traditional TV buys: “There was a ton of waste,” he said.